For service: 406-539-0005
Furnace & AC System Replacement

Experience a Comfortable Home…
Not a Cold Home.

Too Cold?  Too Hot?  We Can Make it Just Right.

Here in southwest Montana, it gets cold.  Really cold.  So, when the forecast calls for a week (or weeks) of sub-zero temperatures, do you want your first concern to be whether your furnace is going to keep you and your family warm? Never let that be a thought which crosses your mind.  The same thing goes for those hot summer days we all love after such long winters, but some of that love can be lost if your home’s AC system doesn’t keep you cool when you need it to.  Summit Air Heating & Cooling can help you to eradicate all concerns regarding these temperature-related discomforts.

Couple cold in their home

Out With the Old!  In With the New!

Summit Air Heating & Cooling offers a myriad of options when you need to replace your furnace or air conditioning system. A new system can also help to reduce your energy bill, and we can analyze your old HVAC system in order to craft the most ideal plan for best replacement options.  Our team of HVAC experts will always help educate you on the reasons for why we think it a benefit to you to replace your existing heating or cooling system.  We’ll never try to sell you on unnecessary add-ons or accessories. What we will do is make sure you have total clarity on what you’re getting in terms of what is needed to keep you comfortable.  Let us help you to make your home a cozy place to be once again.

Fixing What’s Broken with More than 15 Years of Experience